103 OGILVY, Archie Leslie



Portrait Courtesy Manly Library
 103 Spr. Archie Leslie Ogilvy – Image reproduced with permission of Manly Library NSW.

103 Archie Leslie Ogilvy

Archie Ogilvy was quite a character as his war record reveals…….. and in his civilian life he was an ambitious man, keen to follow in his fathers footsteps who was Mayor of Manly,  sometimes reckless  yet he showed bravery and commitment…… His full story will soon be published – meanwhile a snippet follows from Archies own words……

Archie proved he was  quite the wordsmith with one of his letters published in the Sydney ‘ Referee’ in December 1915. The Referee was a newspaper which was …….. At the height of the conscription debate back in Australia.

Archie had quite a spirited and passionate view on vounteering as opposed to conscription . Eloquent but with a tinge of venom towards malingerers and cowards. He felt strongly that conscription would surely diminish the character and esteem of those volunteers and especially those who had made the unltimate sacrifice.

Published:  Referee  – Sydney, NSW  Wednesday 22 December 1915.

Archie’s personal page is linked ……………. he was a real character.